Monday, April 30, 2012

Food4Fines Helps Fill Food Bank's Shelves 
Once again libraries in Phoenix have stepped up to help fill the shelves at St. Mary's Food Bank. Twelve branches collected almost 25,000lbs. through their F4F program, where borrowers can pay off overdue book fees by donating cans of food to the Food Bank.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Imagination Runs Rampant at CANstruction

Now in its fifth year in Phoenix, CANstruction shows the ability of bright minds to develop unique creations, in this case tied to the subject of hunger. The show runs through April 7 at the PHX Convention Center (West Bldg.) Monroe & 2nd Sts. At the conclusion of the show, all the cans (56,000 lbs. of them) will be donated to St. Mary's Food Bank.

So go and be amazed!