Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Come to the FAIR . . . and aid St. Mary's

The Maricopa County Fair runs from April 13-18 at the Fairgrounds (19th Ave. & McDowell). If you bring 3 cans of food after 3pm on the 13th or 14th you get a reduced adult admission. You can help yourself and help those in need.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Help Those in Need . . . by Getting in Bed With Mark

Valley radio personality Mark Mayfield is getting in bed again to help St. Mary's. For three days, April 6-8, Mark will be sleeping in a Sleep America bed in Glendale, Tempe Marketplace and Paradise Valley Mall. So bring a few non-perishible items and stop by, say hello to Mark and help St. Mary's help those in need.