Thursday, July 30, 2009

Come in out of the Heat . . . into a "Cool" Hunger 101 Session

During August, Hunger 101 carries on its mission of educating on issues of poverty, hunger, and nutrition by offering the following sessions: on Aug. 7 @ 11:30am "Faces of Hunger"; on Aug. 14 @ 11:30am "Label Me Nutritious"; on Aug. 21 @10:30am "Advocacy & Action". These classes, which last less than an hour, are held in the air-conditioned Volunteer Center at our 31st Ave. location. For more information, or to register for one of the sessions, contact Raymond Combe at 602 343-3164 or at

Monday, July 13, 2009

Keep Up-to-Date on Health & Nutrition Issues

This website contains a wealth of data and information on health & nutrition for men, women, and children. Issues such as nutrition, fitness, pregnancy, and medications are featured at

Friday, July 10, 2009

The CDC and Your Health

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is a good source for information on issues related to health and physical fitness. Many of the articles and information are also in Spanish. Visit the CDC at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take the Highways and Aid the Food Bank

Since its founding in 1925, Arizona Highways magazine has received national and world-wide acclaim for its photos of the grandeur and beauty that is Arizona. Now the magazine is helping St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance. For each new subscriber who visits through September 30 and orders a subscription using promo code V9FF24, the magazine will donate $3 to help the Food Bank fight hunger in Arizona.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Concerts Raise Funds for Food Bank

The current economic climate has resulted in a significant increase in demand at St. Mary's Food Bank - the demand for food has doubled during the first six months of 2009 vs. the same period a year ago. Unfortunately, monetary donations have lagged behind the demand. However, among the positive developments are the number of concerts that have occurred in Phoenix where the performers have donated funds for the Food Bank. So thanks to Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, the Indigo Girls, and Earth, Wind and Fire for their efforts on our behalf - for the thousands they've donated, and for the thousands of meals those dollars provided to those in need.